Mawoo is a brand with segmented design. What could have been a variant of Ovaltine refuses to compromise. Everything about this brand evokes power, like its founder, like the forests of Canada, like the love of family when you're trying to give them the best, like the determination of athletes as they take off for long-distance challenges.

Alexandre Guimond was already an importer and distributor of maple syrup in Switzerland and owns and works his own farm in Canada. He and agricultural engineer Camille Duchamp decided to create a brand and divide it between gourmet and sports products.
How can three sectors and three target groups be combined under one brand: people looking for a healthy base ingredient for cooking, people looking for ready-to-eat gourmet products and endurance athletes who need supplies of slow-release sugar?
Bader has found a common point across these sectors: nature. The bountiful nature of Canada which produces an exceptional product, the purity of a natural product full of benefits, foodies' search for products that respect the environment and the love of nature of runners, cyclists and endurance athletes.
Nature is powerful, gifting us its benefits. Bader has dreamt up a strong brand dripping with character, whose bold personality brings us along for the ride.
A brand that talks.
Mawoo is first and foremost Alexandre Guimond, an engineer-turned-maple sirup devotee. He founded l'Erablière des Aigles in Canada and imports premium maple syrup. Alexandre is all about passion: he loves his forest and sharing his love of maple syrup. He describes it as a natural sugar by definition; healthy, as it's a slow-release sugar brimming with beneficial properties. He was later joined by Camille Duchamp and together they decided to create a brand and split it into ranges. We created three lines: Mawoo Pure maple syrups; Mawoo Tasty gourmet products and Mawoo Move sports products.